I'll explain the Commons first. The Commons are a curious place. I had know about them for years but had little more than a passing glimpse of life there so of course I jumping on the invite to visit. Passive solar common walled houses, cooperative living, green spaces, common spaces, private spaces, wild spaces, gardens spaces, dogs, cats, playgrounds, what doesn't it have? A street running through it instead it has a little winding path.
These photo's do not do it justice! For starters you can't FEEL it. But I can tell you what it feels like- like Waldorf for grown ups. That only covers my feelings on the space. The pair we came to visit were just as real & open as the place they lived.
Greeted by our new little friend high up in a tree.
Why am I home schooling? What realms does my child really need to know? Why do I constantly feel the need to chase a curriculum I don't exactly support?
Why am I sneaking in teaching to the test while Beach pursues the knowledge she need when she needs it?
Often ahead of schedules.
And as we talked the girls played happily together it was decided: what our daughters both needed was one day a week set aside for the preservation of childhood: long uninterrupted play with deep study in friendship.
Beach & I walked home (Beach on roller blades) the 26 minutes walk back between the RB farm & the Commons passing the school. The kids were out on the field at PE. She peered in the fence sighing, "Do they know?" She asked.
"Know what honey?"
"About home school?"
I looked through the fence. "I don't know, why?"
She turned to me frowning, "I bet they think I walking to or from a school but I'm not." The Teacher blew her whistle. Beach covered her ears shaking her head. "Why did she do that?"
"To call them in." I explained pulling her away from the fence.
We began walking again. "Mom," Beach said taking my hand, "Thank you."
I didn't have to ask what for I already knew what she was thinking...
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