Sunday, August 21, 2011

waiting on the boats to come in

I know you have heard this before- I’m not feeling well.  It is part of my life not a really good part but here we are or at least here I am, three nights with little to no sleep last night being the worst.  I was up with chest pains the kind that can start you questioning everything you thought you knew about discomfort, about exhaustion, & about fear. 

We know the cause and we know it isn’t life threatening- right now anyway.  It is more like a warning shot, the kind that actually hits you. It is notice to this diabetic that her body is not appropriately handling potassium and trouble is just around the corner.

Okay running seven miles in the heat yesterday- bad idea.
Avoiding the ER because you don't love hospital policies- bad idea.
Maybe BUT because 1 person sent home from the ER dies of a heart attack costs a hospital more money than it does for them to automatically admit all persons with chest pains whether or not they should be, I'll take my chances at home.

Okay keeping with the plan to go to the mountains for breakfast after a night like last night- bad idea. No way in hell! 

It was the best idea all day until now...


I was sleeping and Beach called which was a little strange considering I didn’t know she wasn’t at home.
“Mom, we need you to pick us up in about 20 minutes down at the Bend in the River Park.  We went canoeing with dad.”
But of course I will.

It is amazing what ten minutes alone on a boat dock can do for the soul.    
I have to say some of my bad days are my very best.

~A special thanks to my friends (who I should have thanked in the prior post) for putting up with me & helping to make this morning so easy, so wonderful, & so yummy!          

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