Saturday, April 23, 2011

playing soccer with chickens & other bad ideas

Cats are a good idea unless their loyalties are elsewhere.

Accepting rogue hens into your flock is a good idea unless they are really great at flying & your garden fence isn’t all that high. 

Free ranging chickens is good idea unless you like playing soccer in the yard.

Hand raising a lone chick is good idea unless it refuses to be a chicken and spends all her time trying to get back into the house so you name her Porch Chicken. 

Having a Porch Chicken is a good idea unless you have a dog named Kilo who thinks she is his chicken & actually lets her into the house. 

Having a turkey is good idea unless you name it.

Having a Thistle digging party is a good idea unless your friends are on to you.

Sewing a dozen sock monkeys to sell at the farmers’ market is a good idea unless youngest daughter can’t live without them.

Teaching your 7 yr old to sew is a good idea unless she doesn't have the same fear of stepping on misplaced needles as you do.

It is a good idea to get a closer look at the hawk in the yard unless you are one of the rabbits.

Mud boots are a good idea on a farm unless you leave them somewhere where a chicken will use them as an outhouse.

Work gloves are also a good idea on a farm unless since you have them someone expects you to use them.

Reaching under a hen’s butt to get an egg is a good idea unless it’s Big Red- she bites!

Chasing chickens back to the coop is a good idea unless you value your sanity and intelligence.  

Ducks are a good idea unless the only 'pond' you have is a pink plastic baby swimming pool.

Geese are never a good idea....that is a long story :)

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